Adtalem Sustainability Scores Demonstrate ESG Commitment

May 21, 2024
"Bridging the Gap 2023 Sustainability Report"

Adtalem is advancing its environmental, social, and governance commitments. See highlights from the 2023 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment. 

As of March 15, 2024, Adtalem Global Education ranked in the 89th percentile in the Diversified Consumer Services industry for the 2023 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment. That equates to the top 11% of Adtalem’s global industry peer group of 115 companies for fiscal year 2022. 

"Adtalem is uniquely positioned to transform the healthcare landscape by expanding access to quality education and empowering the next generation of professionals to address workforce shortages and improve health equity," says Blake Simpson, chief communications and corporate affairs officer.

Blake Simpson
As we continue to drive our access mission forward, we simultaneously advance our environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments toward making a positive impact in global communities.

The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment is an annual evaluation of a company’s sustainability practices. It is used by capital market stakeholders to benchmark corporate performance, manage investment portfolios, allocate financial capital, and build engagement strategy.

The assessment covers a variety of industry-specific criteria including business ethics, cybersecurity, and sustainable marketing.  

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  • Business Ethics (Top 6%) indicates Adtalem’s commitment to transparent and honest business practices.
  • IT and Cybersecurity (Top 1%) highlights the importance of protecting information provided by students and colleagues.
  • Sustainable Marketing & Brand Perception (Top 9%) reflects efforts to ethically represent the holistic value of an education from Adtalem’s institutions.

Read Adtalem’s 2023 Sustainability Report.

For more information, email the Adtalem Global Communications Team: