View from the C-Suite: Be Ready for the Job You Want

July 16, 2024
a headshot of Cynthia Rowell with the text "view from the C-Suite"

Dr. Cynthia Rowell, DNP ’21, never thought she’d leave the bedside. Now the Chamberlain University graduate is a chief nursing officer.  

Dr. Cynthia Rowell says nursing is in her blood. Her grandmother spent 44 years as a nurse at the bedside. Rowell followed her into the profession and started on the same floor—oncology—that her grandmother retired from a few years earlier.

Today, Dr. Rowell is vice president and chief nursing officer for a new AdventHealth facility opening near Tampa.

“I have a passion for being with patients during their hardest times,” says Dr. Rowell, who has managed a neuro ICU and served as director of hospice and palliative care prior to her executive leadership roles.

“I entered my Doctor of Nursing Program at Chamberlain University as a mother of two, a wife, and a nurse leader. Being able to enroll in a program that allowed me to still do all those things, and allowed me the flexibility to get that doctorate, was life-changing for me in my career,” she says.

Cynthia Rowell
My experience with Chamberlain University has made all the difference. Knowing that I can walk into a room, and have that educational background, to talk succinctly about complex issues, and be that voice for my nurses and healthcare workers, and that Chamberlain gave me the foundation to do that, is amazing.

Here she shares her experience in higher education and why as a leader she values it in her staff.  

How Higher Education Improves Careers and Patient Care

Cynthia Rowell

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